10 Tips to Improve Your Outlook for the Future

people laughing and happy together
Many people struggle with maintaining a positive outlook for the future.

Here are some tips that you can keep in mind to improve your optimism about the days ahead:

1. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself

Having a goal gives you something to strive for and look forward to.

Your goals should be:


You can identify small daily goals as well as larger, long-term goals.

2. Visualize what you want your future to look like

You can improve your future outlook by visualizing all of the possibilities that lay before you. Don’t box yourself in when it comes to daydreaming.

Feel free to dream as big as you want. You can think about a future career, family, dream vacation, car, house, and so much more.

3. Practice being grateful for every day

Focus on the positives you end each day with. Regardless of how bad the day may seem, there is always something to be grateful for.

Sometimes, this may be a big accomplishment, such as a promotion, new relationship, large purchase, etc.

Other times, it may be as simple as taking medications on time, eating a balanced meal, or going for a walk. Regardless, everything is worth being grateful for and celebrating.

4. Keep a journal of the positive emotions and experiences you have each day

You may be stuck in a cycle of focusing on negativity. It will take some time to break out of this.

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One way to start is by proving yourself wrong in believing that there’s no positivity in your life.

Keep a journal with you. Each time you have a good feeling or positive experience throughout your day, write it down.

You can then recap this at the end of the day to help you look forward to tomorrow.

5. Spend time with positive individuals

Spending time with people you care about that are positive influences is highly beneficial for your own future outlook. You can use them as role models and inspirations.

You can also get positive and constructive feedback from them. They can teach you how to modify your thought patterns and behavior to have a better outlook on tomorrow.

6. Identify and develop coping skills for your negativity triggers

Similar to keeping a positivity journal, you can also track negative thoughts throughout the day and what led up to them.

You may find a pattern somewhere that you can use to work on specific triggers.

For example, let’s say you start to get more sluggish and depressed around a certain time of day. Incorporate a fun activity or favorite snack at that time each day to reassign positive feelings to it.

7. Engage in positive self-talk

Give yourself words of encouragement through each of your daily activities.

Even if it seems like something simple, it’s still worth giving yourself praise.

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Even the most basic affirmations such as “I did a good job” or “I’m proud of myself” go a long way in improving your future outlook.

8. Introduce more humor into your life

Humor has a lot of healing properties, both mental and physical. Surround yourself with humorous people whenever possible.

When you can’t do that, you can use leisure time to watch funny videos, listen to comical radio shows, or read funny stories online.

9. Start each day with a positive note

Write down a variety of positive notes and place them in a jar. Each morning, select a note from the jar and read it out loud.

This kickstarts your day with positivity and may just be the spark you need to make it through. Some examples include:

Today will be a great day.

I will have fun at work today.

I’m excited to talk to people today.

I will have a positive impact on the world today.

10. Seek professional help if needed

Of course, there may come a time when professional counseling is needed, especially for those dealing with more severe forms of anxiety, depression, etc.

Although history has shown a stigma attached to mental health treatment, this is thankfully disintegrating rapidly.

There is no shame in seeking professional guidance. You can also look into various guided meditations, positive thinking podcasts, and local support groups if you want something a little less formal.

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