people laughing and happy together

10 Tips to Improve Your Outlook for the Future

Many people struggle with maintaining a positive outlook for the future. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind to improve your optimism about the days ahead: 1….

woman writing down goals in a notebook

10 Tips To Improve Your Ability To Take Action

Hesitation. Procrastination. Fear. There are different reasons why you may struggle to take action. With so many barriers standing between you and taking action, you need to develop a proactive…

friends enjoying music outside in nature

10 Tips to Help You See the Bright Side of Life

If you struggle to see the bright side of life, you’re not alone – many people struggle to look past life’s negative moments to see the more positive aspects of…

woman on treadmill looking very motivated

10 Tips To Improve Your Motivation

Motivation influences your behavior. Motivation propels you to reach your goals. Motivation should serve as the driving force behind every action. However, it can be challenging to maintain high levels…

woman hands holding a donut

Keep Your Eye on the Donut (Not the Hole)

As we all know, times are rough. As soon as you turn on the news or search the internet, you are bombarded with all kinds of reports and stories about…

women holding a snake to overcome her fear

Using Your Mindset to Overcome Fears and Phobias

Everyone has something that they are afraid of. Some of those fears can paralyze and debilitate us. These fears are known as phobias and are intense and irrational based on…

man looking afraid

Move Through Your Fear by Retraining Your Brain

In this article you will learn how your brain responds to perceived threats and how fear can hold you back from living the life you want…

10 Tips to Boost Mental Toughness

Does every little thing seem to upset you? This may be because you haven’t developed mental toughness, or maybe you have, but it just needs a little boost!

woman struggling with her business

5 Things to Stop Doing in Your Business to Improve Your Money Mindset

Tired of never hitting your income goals or feeling like you’re barely getting by despite doing incredible work in the world? If you’re a successful-on-paper entrepreneur with big dreams but…