10 Top Ways to End Your Day

woman laying on her bed reading a book

How To Wind Down In A Healthy And Restful Way

With rushing schedules and limited time, the day is filled with busy moments and delayed chores. By the time the evening rolls around, the proverbial energy bubble is running quickly out of air. The focus is around meals, homework, and bath time.

While these are all important tasks, it is just as imperative to think about your own personal care. Working through your own thoughts and experiences about the day is important for your mental health.

Let us look at the top ten ways to end your day on a restful note:

Write Down What You Can Control About Tomorrow

A planner is a good way to keep track of where you are spending the most time. You know that during certain hours you are at work, those are things you can control. Getting a last-minute invite to dinner falls under unexpected changes in your schedule.

Write down any major events happening within six months. Now go back and write down what you expect from the following week. Include your work hours and any repeated tasks. Doing this helps ease anxiety about the unknown about tomorrow.

Go Back Over Your Day

When a day has been especially difficult, the mood is to forget about it. Yet, over time, this wears on the mind and causes more anxiety about the situation. Allowing yourself to repeat the scenario when you are calm, gives you a better feel on how it ended. Ask yourself how you can do better next time and sleep well.

While most feelings can be worked out after some thought, it sometimes takes another person’s perspective. Reach out to those that are close to you and will provide the most honest feedback. Be open to their suggestions and plan to engage those people in a different manner to avoid further altercations. Focus on the good things that happened and dream away.

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Read A Book

One of the most calming activities is reading a novel. Not the kind you find on your phone, but the stories you find in your local library. Engaging in the story allows the mind to switch from emotionally running to logistically functioning. Use this time to relax and reset your sentimental side.

Choose genres that are interesting and educational. If you are looking for a bit more interaction, read to your partner or children. Spend this time sharing your thoughts about the characters and how they apply to your life. Want to engage in reading more? Join a book club and live the story through others perspective.

Keep A Journal

As children we are taught to write down our feelings. During adolescent years this often leads to keeping a diary. When we become adults and take on all new responsibilities, our feelings are kept inside instead of on paper. By keeping a journal nearby, the emotions of the day can be transcribed into your private book.

At the end of the evening, spend a few minutes writing out your day. Express the feelings you experienced and how you handled different situations. Once a week, go back over your entries. See if any patterns are emerging and how you can correct those moments.

Shake Off The Blues With Laughter

If the day was filled with frustration and anxiety, treat your mood to a movie. Choose a program that has comedy and lightheartedness.

By engaging in the show, the mind and body have time to rest and reset.

Maybe choosing a new movie is too much to take in one day. Instead, pick an older film, like Laurel and Hardy. Find one that has a good story line and many laughable scenes. Make a bowl of popcorn and settle in for the night.

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Listen To Some Music

If you need a bit of a push to do your evening chores, turn on some music. Pick genres that you can sing along with or even dance a bit too. With each new song, complete a new task. This keeps your nightly routine moving and settles your mood by the time you go to bed.

Make your chores like a challenge. For washing dishes, give yourself twenty minutes. For laundry, think ten minutes. Now pick out music that will last through that task. If you need more time, add in another song instead of thinking about it as a defeat.

Clean Out The Junk Drawer

Thinking about all the chores you want to accomplish, likely a deep clean is on your list. Yet, week after week, the task is bypassed for other chores. Instead, pick one space each day. Start with an area that is doable and approachable, like cleaning out the catch all drawer. By completing this chore, your mind can rest easier knowing that it is off your list.

Make the space more user friendly and organize the rest. Throwaway any items you have not used in over a year, including old receipts. Leave yourself feeling accomplished and determined.

Lay Out Your Next Day’s Clothes

Think about how much time you invest in picking out clothes each day. As the mornings are already packed with needed tasks, choosing an outfit becomes a hassle. Instead, lay out your clothes for the next day in the evening. Organize your necessities by the front door, like car keys and shoes. Just these few minutes will save you a ton of time tomorrow morning.

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Include your family in with this chore. Have each person take turns double checking the items that are needed. This not only gives your children a nighttime chore but holds them responsible for their belongings.

Have A Healthy Snack Before Bed

While dinner time can be fulfilling, it normally is consumed three to five hours before going to bed. Though you may not feel hungry, try a light snack to tide you over till breakfast. This gives your body the nutrients it needs to sleep well and function properly during the long hours of the night.

If you are craving salty foods, think cheese and crackers instead of fried chips. For a sweet alternative, put some fresh pears on cottage cheese. Overall, choose items that fill the hunger gap and maintain your yearnings.

Focus On One Happy Moment

When the day is filled with disruptions and frustration, the idea of thinking positive is not on the radar by the time you come home. In lieu of centering in on the emotions you experienced, find a good reason to appreciate that interaction.

Maybe the boss was pushing your buttons at work, leaving you feeling conquered and worn out. While it would be easier to voice your frustration, remind yourself why you like the job. Once you take the personal aspect out, the scenario becomes less challenging.

In Closing

By making these small changes in your evening schedule, your time will flow smoother and be more productive. Give the time you need to complete the tasks at hand, and sleep on the rest. As English author G. K. Chesterton once quoted, “When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”

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