woman practicing gratitude

5 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude

5 Science-Based Benefits of Gratitude The notion of practicing daily gratitude exercises or learning to express more appreciation for the positive things in your life has gained a lot of…

woman with arms reaching to the sky in gratitude

80 Gratitude Quotes

‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. Alice Walker Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. Eckhart Tolle…

Say "Thank You" - A Motivational Video On The Importance Of Gratitude

Say “Thank You” – A Motivational Video On The Importance Of Gratitude

Say “Thank you” – A Motivational Video On The Importance Of Gratitude Why Gratitude Leads to Greater Abundance If you want more abundance in your life then you need to develop an attitude of We want you to…

The Gratitude Experiment

The Benefits Of Gratitude

Did you know that adopting an attitude of gratitude can change your life for the better? In this article we will look at the major benefits of developing an attitude of We hope that you will see that…

How To Use Gratitude To Manifest Your Desires

How To Use Gratitude To Manifest Your Desires

You can use GRATITUDE to BOOST your MANIFESTATIONS Feeling grateful is a high vibrating emotion that grounds you into the present The UNIVERSE LOVES When you genuinely feel gratitude for things in your life – you resonate on…