the genius wave review video

The Genius Wave Review: I Tried It! Does It Really Work?

The Genius Wave features a powerful 7-minute audio, designed to enhance theta brainwave activity, allowing you to perform to your full potential…

friends relaxing outside

10 Things to Embrace This New Year

Entering a new year always opens people up to the great possibility of new changes and fresh starts. As you prepare to enter into the new year, consider these ten…

man writing in journal and thinking positive thoughts

10 Tips to Improve How You See Yourself

A positive self-image isn’t just a nice thing to have – it’s essential for your personal growth and overall happiness and well-being. How you perceive yourself has an influence on…

woman on treadmill looking very motivated

10 Tips To Improve Your Motivation

Motivation influences your behavior. Motivation propels you to reach your goals. Motivation should serve as the driving force behind every action. However, it can be challenging to maintain high levels…

people drinking together

You Are Who You Hang Out With

You Are Who You Hang Out With You’ve probably heard the often-quoted phrase by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,”…

woman hands holding a donut

Keep Your Eye on the Donut (Not the Hole)

As we all know, times are rough. As soon as you turn on the news or search the internet, you are bombarded with all kinds of reports and stories about…

woman struggling to control impulsive behavior by overeating

10 Tips To Conquer Impulsive Behavior

If you struggle with impulsive behavior, your urges often leave you feeling frustrated and upset with yourself. Impulsive behaviors are those you feel like you can’t control, such as helping…

women holding a snake to overcome her fear

Using Your Mindset to Overcome Fears and Phobias

Everyone has something that they are afraid of. Some of those fears can paralyze and debilitate us. These fears are known as phobias and are intense and irrational based on…

woman using visualization techniques

Using Visualization Techniques to Achieve Your Goals

What is Visualization – How and Why Does it Work? Visualization is a mental technique that involves creating vivid mental images of a desired outcome. It works by creating a…

woman thinking

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification Many people don’t know what the term “delayed gratification” truly means. By definition, the term means that you have enough willpower to resist the lure of an immediate…