10 Tips To Improve Your Belief In Yourself

happy group of friends sitting on the grass
Self-belief is a critical component of self-confidence, which is necessary to live a healthy and satisfying life. Unfortunately, some people do struggle with believing in themselves for a variety of reasons. Factors that may have affected your self-belief include:

  • Genetics
  • Personality and/or temperament
  • Traumatic life experiences
  • Unsupportive and/or overly critical caregivers
  • Minority characteristics (gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Mental health
  • Negative social environment

Fortunately, even if you’ve experienced low self-belief up to this point, there are ways to raise it and become a more confident you. Here are some tips.

1. Accept compliments from others

So often, we tend to argue or debate compliments given to us by others. This is especially true with women. Think about the times someone said you did well on a work assignment and your first reaction was to tell them it wasn’t a big deal. Learn to recognize compliments and accept them. Say “thank you”, respond with a compliment toward that person if you’d like, and leave it at that.

2. Keep a daily journal

People use journals in a number of different ways. To build self-belief, write daily on your successes of that day and the things you are grateful for. These items can be as big or small as you’d like. For example, even if your success is “woke up with the first alarm”, that’s still something to be celebrated. Gratitude can also come in many forms as well, even as small as “had a good lunch today”.

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3. Make a list of the things you admire about yourself

Start by making a list as long as possible about everything you admire about yourself. This can be personality characteristics, skills you’ve learned, and other accomplishments. You can then incorporate this into your daily journaling. Each day, write down something additional that you admire about yourself. This can be an additional trait that you thought of, an accomplishment that you achieved that day, etc.

4. Surround yourself with supportive people

Learn to recognize the individuals in your life that work to build you up rather than tear you down. Spend time with these individuals each day. Ask them what they admire about you and get suggestions for self-belief and self-confidence.

5. Set small goals each day

At the beginning of each day, set a goal for yourself. Choose a task that you can realistically complete the same day, or at least make progress toward. This will give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day and will inspire you to take on new challenges every day.

6. Avoid comparisons to others

There always seems to be someone who’s stronger, richer, smarter, or more talented than you no matter how much you accomplish. Dwelling on these thoughts only serves to break down your self-belief rather than inspire you to achieve more. Instead, focus on your own accomplishments and allow yourself to feel proud of them.

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7. Participate in self-care activities

Self-care and kindness towards oneself go a long way in increasing someone’s self-belief. Allot time in your schedule each day to engage in a self-care activity. This could be a favorite hobby, hygiene or personal care routine, a good nap, etc. These activities are great for reducing stress levels and improving your relationship with yourself.

8. Reframe your negative thoughts

Recognize negative thoughts as they occur, such as telling yourself you failed after you didn’t complete a task correctly. Instead, view it as a learning opportunity and accept the challenge to try again in the future. Do not allow yourself to be broken down by these negative, incorrect thoughts.

9. Engage with informal self-help programs

There are numerous options for both individual and community-based self-help programs. For example, you can listen to a guided meditation if you’d prefer to practice alone. You can also look for support groups within your local community. A simple internet search for self-help programs for self-belief will yield a ton of results.

10. Seek formal treatment for deeper concerns if needed

Therapy can be helpful for anyone, regardless of their concern or background. This is especially true in the case of someone who struggles with self-belief due to past trauma or recurring mental health concerns. Treatment can include individual therapy, group therapy, medication, and numerous other options.

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