the genius wave review video

The Genius Wave Review: I Tried It! Does It Really Work?

The Genius Wave features a powerful 7-minute audio, designed to enhance theta brainwave activity, allowing you to perform to your full potential…

woman hands holding a donut

Keep Your Eye on the Donut (Not the Hole)

As we all know, times are rough. As soon as you turn on the news or search the internet, you are bombarded with all kinds of reports and stories about…

woman struggling to control impulsive behavior by overeating

10 Tips To Conquer Impulsive Behavior

If you struggle with impulsive behavior, your urges often leave you feeling frustrated and upset with yourself. Impulsive behaviors are those you feel like you can’t control, such as helping…

woman thinking

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification Many people don’t know what the term “delayed gratification” truly means. By definition, the term means that you have enough willpower to resist the lure of an immediate…

man looking afraid

Move Through Your Fear by Retraining Your Brain

In this article you will learn how your brain responds to perceived threats and how fear can hold you back from living the life you want…

man feeling stressed with his head in his hand

10 Stress Management Strategies

Top Stress Management Strategies for a Healthy Mind and Body Nothing creates more destruction to the mind and body than stress. With anxiety around what has happened, what is happening…

10 Tips to Boost Mental Toughness

Does every little thing seem to upset you? This may be because you haven’t developed mental toughness, or maybe you have, but it just needs a little boost!

woman on a solo hiking holiday

10 Top Ways to Take Control of Your Life

Do you often feel like your life is spinning out of control? This may mean that you aren’t in control of your life, and this can be dangerous because you…

woman struggling with her business

5 Things to Stop Doing in Your Business to Improve Your Money Mindset

Tired of never hitting your income goals or feeling like you’re barely getting by despite doing incredible work in the world? If you’re a successful-on-paper entrepreneur with big dreams but…