Welcome to Dauchsy’s 30-day Manifest Challenge.

This video is a formula to help you manifest anything you want. You will be creating emotional, sensory rich thoughts and visualizations of what it feels like, looks like, smells like to already have what you want.

The more emotional, the more real it becomes. As you continue to listen to this video, it will become more and more clear. It will become more and more powerful each and every time you listen.

You will find yourself living this experience you observed in your mind. If you follow this formula, you can have ANYTHING you want.

But unfortunately, some people who understand this formula can't discipline themselves for even 30 days. So.. I am challenging you to make a 30 day commitment right now.

If you can follow this audio with focus and intention towards your goal for 30 days, you are guaranteed to see your visualizations begin to manifest into your life!

There is no maybe, it will happen. There is no wishing it to happen, there is only certainty and exactitude which is created by the law of attraction.

Keep in mind, you may manifest what you want before the 30 days

So, first, I want you to pick one thing you would like to manifest into your life. When choosing what you want to manifest, It is important to stick with just one thing for the duration of the 30 day challenge.

See also  4 Hacks To Manifest Abundance Like A Pro

When you continue to visualize, and focus on one objective, the universe and your subconscious mind attract what you want faster and more efficiently into your life. If you change from one to another, the attraction is split many times and chances are, you will never get what you are trying to manifest.

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing what to manifest into your life is to stretch your beliefs on what is possible to attract, but also don’t attempt to manifest something that you will never believe is possible.

Because belief is the most important aspect of the law of attraction and manifesting what you want.

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