Renew Your Mind Renew Your Life

woman thinking

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…” The level of wisdom found in this proverb stands true today as it did when it was first spoken. You become what you think about. You achieve what you think you are capable of achieving.

Your thoughts have the power to bring your dreams to reality as much as they have the power to destroy them. You can use your thoughts to break your own spirit or use them to maintain your enthusiasm. It is all up to you.

You Can Change Your Life By Renewing Your Mind

If you are not satisfied with your life, begin working on having the life you want by shifting your mindset. Only your mind has the power to help you achieve that. Only your mind has the power to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

Entertaining demoralizing thoughts will leave you discouraged. So, begin replacing “I can’t” with “I can go as far as I want to go.” Replace “I’m not good enough” with “I’m getting good at this.” Once your mind begins dwelling on positive thoughts anything is possible.

High Achievers Always Use Their Minds To Get What They Want

Former US President Abraham Lincoln only received a basic education, yet he did not let that stop him from becoming what he wanted to be. The fact that he did not go to college did not stop him from reaching for his dreams.

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When he decided he wanted to be a lawyer, he started teaching himself law by reading books and eventually became a reputable lawyer.

He wanted to fight slavery and become the President of the United States and he achieved what he wanted. It all started by his renewed mind and focused thoughts.

Amidst fierce opposition, he fought a good fight and played a major role in abolishing slavery. He also became the 16th president of the United States of America as he once said he would.

Today, millions of people look up to the late Former US President Abraham Lincoln. He is an inspiration to millions of people around the world. He is remembered for his greatness, his work as well as his determination to fight for what he believed in.

He proved you can be anything and everything you want to be as long as your mind is set up correctly.

Become Who You Want To Be By Resetting Your Mind

Start resetting your mind, if you want to be great. Get rid of negative thoughts by substituting them with healthy and productive ones.

Crowd your mind with thoughts of greatness to bring out the brilliance in you. Saying “I am great” every morning will convince your mind that you are great and you will start acting like you are great.

The minute you start believing you are great is the minute you start acting like you are great and the minute you start acting like you are great, is the minute you start working towards becoming great.

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Renewing Your Mind Involves Letting Go Of Your Past

Problems cannot be solved by thinking within the framework in which they were created.” -Albert Einstein.

You can only solve your problem by changing your way of thinking. If you think your problem cannot be solved then you will fail to come up with solutions that work.

Nonetheless, if you see your problem differently and believe it can be solved, coming up with the right solution becomes probable.

No matter what your problem is, it cannot be solved from the same level of thinking you were in when it occurred.

Whether in your personal relationships, your professional life or your academic life, etc. You need to rise above the pain, disappointments, as well as regrets and find new ways of dealing with what you are going through.

If you want to begin a new relationship, leave your past where it belongs and focus not only on beginning a new relationship but on making it enjoyable.

Renewing Your Mind Will Help You Focus On Your Future

Once you change your mind and refuse to live in the past you will be limitless. Your life will improve  and it will be evident in everything you do.

Your relationships will be more pleasant, your work more exciting, and even your health will improve.

You will forget about unpleasant things in your relationships and begin looking for ways of making things work. Instead of giving up, you will give it another try because you know it is worth fighting for.

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If you want to live a renewed life stop saying, “my life is a mess” and instead, start thinking: “How can I turn this around?”, “How can this work in my favor?”

Before you know it, you will be on the right path to where you are destined to be.

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